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  2. Reservation & booking

How can I book or reserve a course spot?

Once you found an available spot in your desired course you can either pay for it straight away to confirm your booking or reserve the place for a couple of days before you proceed with your payment. If you cannot find an available spot for your desired course on our website, we recommend that you contact our customer service. 😊

If you have reserved a course spot, you must pay the course fee before the end of the reservation period in order to confirm your booking. Otherwise your reservation will expire automatically and we cannot guarantee the course place.


📌How to: Course reservation

  1. Register or login to your account
  2. If you have previous knowledge, you need to complete our placement test first to determine your correct language level. Once your language level is confirmed...
  3. Open our course finder
  4. Choose your preferred course
  5. Select Non-binding reservation

💡 Please note: If there is no option to make a reservation the course is due to start very soon and we can't accept reservations anymore. In this case, you must make a binding booking and pay for the course in order to secure your place.


🎬 Tutorial: Reserve a course